Simhath Torah (Jewish religious observance held on the last day of Sukkoth, when the yearly cycle of Torah reading is completed and the next cycle is begun)

Simhath Torah (Jewish religious observance held on the last day of Sukkoth, when the yearly cycle of Torah reading is completed and the next cycle is begun)
Религия: Симхат Тора

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Simhath Torah (Jewish religious observance held on the last day of Sukkoth, when the yearly cycle of Torah reading is completed and the next cycle is begun)" в других словарях:

  • Simhath Torah — /sim khahs tawr euh, tohr euh/; Seph. Heb. /seem khaht taw rddah /; Ashk. Heb. /sim khahs toh rddeuh, toy rddeuh, kheuhs/ a Jewish festival, celebrated on the 23rd day of Tishri, being the 9th day of Sukkoth, that marks the completion of the… …   Universalium

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